Did a Google search today and found a result which seemed right. Clicked the link and started reading that website but didn't click any links on the page.
A Windows Defender (Win 10 Pro) box suddenly popped up in middle of the screen saying the site was potentially harmful and advised me to click a button in that box to go to my home page. Wasn't sure whether that was legit, so I instead closed the IE11 window.
A short while later WD popped up again, this time saying it found Exploit: HTML/Axpergle.AK on my system. The MS site says this exploit comes in emails, but I'm assuming it came from the site WD warned about.
WD said it could remove the exploit but I needed to reboot so I did. Currently running Malwarebytes on that PC, but I don't know if it would detect/remove this exploit if It were still there. Guess I'll also run SAS when MBAM is done.
Anything else I should do?
It ain't safe out there! [+o(]