CrtptoPrevent v8.0.4.2 (June 3rd, 2017)
- Major improvements in Memory usage across all executables (CryptoPrevent.exe, CryptoPreventMonSvc.exe, CryptoPreventNotification.exe), memory usage will decrease over time for the real-time as well as less usage on initial launches.
- Corrected an issue where White-Label Creator was not updating the CryptoPrevent.exe launcher file in the includes folder which is used to create installers (you can delete this file and then re-open the WL Creator to force an update now)
- SRP Whitelist is now sorted on initial loading and when updated
- FolderWatch Custom Folders list is now sorted on initial loading and when updated
- Fixed issue where services may not start via CLI options
- Fixed issue where HoneyPot files might not be removed when FolderWatch has been disabled
- Fixed issue where HoneyPot files might not be removed when Custom Folder is removed
- Add/Removing Custom Folders to FolderWatch will no apply instantly
- Fixed issue where services may be removed but not re-installed when changing various definition files or email settings